Diet for infectious intestinal diseases

Diet for infectious intestinal diseases

Intestinal infection is characterized by diarrhea, vomiting and, consequently, dehydration and a lack of useful nutrients. Therefore, the diet for infectious bowel disease should be complete and rich in nutrients. It is also important to pay special attention to the intestinal microflora, which also suffers from diarrhea, which can lead to dysbiosis, gastritis and more serious diseases.
The diet for the disease of E. coli, virus or flu, contains many restrictions:

bread, muffins, sugar, fatty foods, fried, canned food, confectionery, milk and dairy products (except cottage cheese), porridge (except oatmeal), carbonated and alcoholic beverages — this should not be consumed in any case.

You can eat breadcrumbs, steamed dishes of fish, chicken or lean meat, steamed omelet or hard-boiled eggs, jelly, tea and coffee (not much) and low-fat tender cottage cheese, oatmeal porridge.

We also recommend taking Daigo, an extract of fermented lactic acid bacteria.

If the intestinal immunity has not coped with an infection and a virus, Daigo will help the beneficial intestinal microflora to recover and cope with it.

Carbohydrates (bread and sugar) and heavy food in the intestine begin to ferment due to the presence of intestinal infection. Bloating and colic appear. Products that cause bloating should be excluded. So you will know exactly what a patient can eat with an intestinal virus.

How to start eating after a disease like intestinal flu — first, chew your food thoroughly so that it is digested faster and there are no negative consequences. Secondly, include fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits and nuts in the diet.

Daigo is a product that will help intestinal immunity. Daigo improves the state of the intestinal microflora, raises the immune system, cleanses the body, heals the intestines and other organs.

Learn more about Daigo and use it for recovery from intestinal infection, health and wellness!
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