How are cell devision and slowing aging related?

How are cell devision and slowing aging related?

In 1961, Leonard Hayflick discovered that cells have a kind of "molecular counter". 

Like a mortgage calculator, the counter notes how many divisions the cell has made. And if the limit is reached, division stops. This phenomenon is called the "Heiflick limit".

Russian scientist Alexey Olovnikov continued research in this area and found that with each cell division protective "caps" on chromosomes - telomeres. By building up telomeres, we help our immune system: the bigger our "caps" are, the longer and better we live!

Alexey Olovnikov found out that after 40-60 divisions a cell can no longer divide and die.

It turns out that...our active youth depends on the length of telomeres! 

In autumn 2019, the Japanese organic metabiotic Daigo Lux, containing secretory secretions from 16 species of beneficial intestinal lactobacilli and their cellular material, was tested by «Life Length», a leading European biotech organisation.

It was proved that "Daigo Lux" slows down the rate of telomere shortening by more than 2 times, thus prolonging the life of the cell and the whole organism.

Already after 6 hours, there is a significant increase in telomerase activity in cells treated with "Daigo Lux" compared to the control group. After 8 weeks of administration, «Daigo Lux»  significantly reduces the rate of telomere shortening, slowing down cell aging.
Importantly, this protective effect is maintained for a long time. 

Daigo Lux does not change the natural rate of cell division, thus does not provoke the growth of cancer cells and exhaustion of the body. That is, it is safe for the body.  
 The minimum daily dosage of Daigo Lux for an adult is 1-2 ml. Just add the required amount of the product to water and drink it without mixing it with food. Preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.
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