Diet for sigmoid colon disease

Diet for sigmoid colon disease

Sigmoid colon;(one of the sections of the large intestine) is located in front of the rectum, where the final digestion of food and the absorption of moisture from it takes place.

In shape, it resembles the Latin letter "sigma" and is located on the left in the iliac region (the abdominal area adjacent to the left leg). In inflammation, diverticulosis, cancer and other diseases of the sigmoid colon, nutrition plays an important role. In particular, it is important to improve the state of the microflora, normalize the balance and increase the number of beneficial bacteria. It depends on the intestinal microflora whether the sigmoid colon (and other departments) will work well, absorb nutrients and regularly get rid of waste and slags.

The diet for diseases of the sigmoid colon should be such that the body receives the necessary nutrients from food, and it is easy for the stomach and intestines to digest food. Observations and studies of scientists indicate the following fact — insufficient consumption of fiber (coarse dietary fiber contained in vegetables and other plant products) leads to diseases of the sigmoid colon, and fiber removes carcinogens and toxins from the body, preventing diseases and cancer.

Therefore, fiber is mainly involved in the diet, but you should switch to such a diet gradually, replacing products where there are no coarse dietary fibers with vegetables and some cereals (from whole grains). It is also important to drink a sufficient amount of plain water — fiber absorbs water like a sponge and the feces will not be hard, but soft, which again contributes to emptying.

Diet and Daigo for the sigmoid colon

Daigo is that drug (a natural drink containing an extract of fermented milk bacteria), which significantly increases the amount of beneficial intestinal microflora, destroying pathogenic. It promotes purification from toxins, toxins and carcinogens. Not only the intestines are cleansed, but also the blood and internal organs, the skin becomes cleaner and more tender.

A typo and a Daigo are two elements that are simply necessary for the health of the sigmoid colon and the whole body!
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