

Plasmalogens are one of the types of phospholipids that have an antioxidant effect on the body

Chief physician of the clinic "Kato Platinum" вАУ You can rejuvenate the brain with your efforts!

You can start developing the brain at any age!

Says Dr. Kato Toshinori, a specialist who has conducted the diagnosis of MR images of the brain of more than 10,000 people.

There is such a thing as "the relationship between the brain and the intestines." That is, a healthy brain is a healthy intestine, and, conversely, intestinal health is brain health. This time we're going to talk about brain health.

Even at the age of 80, the brain continues to develop

Can you say, looking back at your activities, that you have not changed in the last 30 years? Has the circle of your actions and interests narrowed due to the constant excuse that you are no longer at that age? If so, then most likely you are creating the causes of brain aging yourself. Let's try to live more actively from now on!

I know one man: he practices my "brain address development" training and even though he is over 80 years old, he has noticeably developed his brain. Being the current president of the company, he founded 2 more companies in 1 year at the age of 80.

To get permission to run his business, he went to courses and exams together with the young people and passed them excellently. If he has an unclear moment while reading a book, he will personally meet with the author of the book and ask him for advice. When I gave him the advice: "Once a year, challenge something new!", he travelled all over Japan on a cruise ship in one week. This is the vital energy at 80 years old!

MR-tomograms of the brain of this person are presented at the top left. Comparing the images at the age of 80 and 81, we see changes in the "branches" of the frontal lobes of the hemispheres, which are highlighted in black вАУ these are the areas of the "addresses of movements" that are located in the frontal lobes and are responsible for motor functions.

This "abundance of branched areas" in the frontal lobes means that the brain is active and works perfectly. The difference in the picture of the "branches" of the brain after 1 year is obvious: this development corresponds to the dynamics of the development of the brain of a child who started studying in the first grade. Thus, age does not matter for brain development.

Kato is an energetic doctor who often participates in the programs "AsaвАУIchi" on the NHK channel and "New Discoveries in Science that surprise the Wise Hayashi" on the TBS channel, as well as in many other programs.

Profile of Dr. KATO Toshinori
Chief Physician of the clinic "Kato Platinum"
Representative of the "School of the Brain", MD.

A neurologist. Specialist in the diagnosis of MR images of the brain. Specialist in the field of brain development science. Visiting Professor at Seva University. In 1991, he developed the concept of fNIRS neuroimaging technology for measuring brain activity, which then spread around the world. For 6 years he has been engaged in scientific research at the University of Minnesota, USA. He was engaged in research in the field of Alzheimer's disease and brain development disorders at Keio University and Tokyo University. After that, in 2006, he founded the "Brain School". With the help of magnetic resonance imaging, he conducted diagnostic studies of the individual characteristics of the brain of people of different ages and developed a training for brain development вАУ the so-called "Development of brain addresses". Author of such books as "Textbook on Brain Enhancement" (Asa Publishing House), "Creating a Brain without difficulties" (Tatsumi publishing house), "How to develop a boy's brain that can hear" (Seishun publishing house) and other publications.

"Areas with changes in the "branches" of the frontal lobes of the hemispheres, which are highlighted in black, are areas of "movement addresses" that are located in the frontal lobes and are responsible for motor functions. If you actively engage in activities even at the age of 80, while maintaining an energetic attitude, then a year later you can significantly develop your brain"!

* (Quote from the book "Textbook on Brain Enhancement", by Kato Toshinori, Kosaido Publishing House).

As a rule, over the years, people increasingly refer to their age, their range of activities and communication with other people is narrowing. If you pay attention, many people stop challenging something new and live monotonously day after day. But you can't do that! After all, the brain gets old from this!

For the development of the brain, even if you are 80 years old, it is important to train it by actively engaging in any activity, as if you are 50 years old and you are much younger than your real age.

Reconsider your lifestyle, act with a new thought "I want to do"

"Brain Training methods" are very simple. The main key is lifestyle revision. What shapes our brain is the life experience gained up to now.

The form and functions of the brain now are what you have done, seen and heard up to this moment, that is, the experience and life habits that you have received day after day. If you look at the MR images of the brain, you can learn about a person's profession, his interests, up to the peculiarities of thinking. That is, you can learn about a person's personality from brain scans.

The brain is changing. Depending on the circumstances of life, the human brain changes for the better or the worse. Going shopping on a different route or cooking a new dish вАУ even as a result of these actions, the brain is stimulated and changed. And such small changes can develop "branches" of the brain.

Thus, the essence of "brain training methods" is not to lead a routine lifestyle, but to look for what gives you joy and live with a constant desire to do something else. It all starts with this.

On the next page you will learn the mechanism of the brain, and I will explain in order the main points of training of different parts of the brain. Be sure to apply these tips in your daily life and let your brain get younger!

Learn how to effectively "train the brain"!

To see, to speak, to think вАУ depending on each action, we use different parts of the brain, so we will divide it into 8 main "addresses".

"Remember", "think", etc. вАУ different parts of the brain participate in different actions. If you understand which "address" of the brain you have developed well, and which is not very well, then brain training will become significantly more effective.

The concept of "addresses" of the brain

Until today, different scientists have divided the brain into regions in different ways. However, they all had a common approach. I, in turn, divide the brain regions into smaller areas, and give everyone my "address". I called this approach "brain addresses".

The brain is divided into 8 "addresses"

There are 120 addresses in total, but if you divide them by function, then the brain is divided into 8 large "addresses", as shown in the figure on the left. For example, during mental activity, section number 3 is involved вАУ the "address of thinking"; and the section that is deeply connected with memory is located under the number 7 вАУ the "address of memory".

The conditions for the development of "brain addresses" are different for all people. There are weaknesses and strengths. Let's first determine which areas of the brain you most often use in everyday life, and based on this, we will evenly train 8 "brain addresses". This is the secret of keeping the brain young.

For those who want to know more
Dr. Kato is the author of many books, and we present to your attention board books that inspire: "Let's start right now, before it's too late!"

1) Dr. Kato's bestseller, 350 thousand copies, a series of books "Textbook on brain enhancement" (Asa Publishing House).
2) To enhance memory abilities. "Revolutionary training for the return of the youth of the brain, developed by the neuroscientist Kato Toshinori" (Publishing House "Syufunotomo").
3) A board book for the education of boys "How to develop a boy's brain that can hear" (Seishun Publishing House).

What nutrients does Dr. Kato pay attention to

The "plasmalogen" obtained from the scallop has a beneficial effect on the brain.

Why is it effective in the fight against Alzheimer's disease and for the brain development of children?

"Plasmalogens" are nutrients that are effectively used to prevent Alzheimer's disease and are attracting more and more attention today.

Plasmalogens are one of the types of phospholipids that have an antioxidant effect on the body. They are found in large quantities in the nerve cells of the brain. Plasmalogens are the basis of nerve fibers that connect nerve cells of the brain вАУ neurons вАУ to each other. By increasing the neural connections between neurons, the brain develops, therefore plasmalogen is the optimal remedy for dementia. In addition, for active brain development plasmalogens are recommended for use in disorders of brain activity in children.
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