The effect of lactobacillus fermentation extract

The effect of lactobacillus fermentation extract


Effect exerted by Lactobacillus fermentation extract

(LEX from the English Lactic Acid Bacteria-Fermented Soy Milk Extract), for 3-indoxyl sulfate in the urine of healthy women from Japan: an open pilot study

Goal: The intestinal microbiota and its environment, including metabolites, not only play a crucial role in the prevention of diseases of the entire population but also affect the overall quality of life. The optimal method for monitoring the state of the intestinal environment is to measure the level of 3-indoxyl sulfate in urine (3-IS, Eng. 3-IS). A similar approach has been used for several years. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the dietary supplement "Daigo" (dietary supplement), contains an extract fermented with 16 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LEX), and consists not of living bacteria, but of useful secretion products of 16 strains of lactic acid bacteria and their microstructural components) in healthy women with a high level of 3- IS in the urine.

Materials and methods: The study involved Japanese women aged 30 to 50 years; the study participants had high levels of 3-IS in the urine and frequent constipation. For 4 weeks, each of the participants took 10 ml of dietary supplements daily with the addition of LEX. The primary endpoint of the study was a change in the level of 3-IS in the urine, the secondary was the frequency of defecation and several other subjective symptoms characterizing their physical condition (e.g., Constipation Assessment Scale (CAS)).

Results: The total number of participants is 30 people and the final number of participants remained unchanged. As a result of taking the experimental drug for 4 weeks, each of the participants had a statistically significant decrease in the level of 3-IS in the urine. In addition, any changes in the concentration of 3-IS in the urine showed a close correlation with the initial levels of 3-IS. Among other things, taking dietary supplements with the addition of LEX had a positive effect on CAS scores and other subjective symptoms. The level of 3-IS in urine showed a moderate degree of correlation with indicators of general physical condition, including CAS (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.21;p<0.05).

Conclusion: The results obtained suggest that oral administration of LEX has a positive effect on the level of 3-IS in urine as an indicator of the health of the intestinal environment and that monitoring the concentration of 3-IS in urine is an effective method for assessing the intestinal environment and general physical condition.

Keywords: lactic acid bacteria, 3-indoxyl sulfate, intestinal environment, intestinal microbiota, postbiotics.


The intestine is not only responsible for digestive function and absorption of nutrients but also contributes to the maintenance of general immunity, regulation of the central nervous system and the detoxification process. There is more and more evidence that intestinal function is affected by its environment, which, in turn, is determined by factors such as nutrition and the presence of commensal bacteria (microbiota). In addition, the health of the intestinal environment is associated with the development of several diseases, for example, allergies and inflammation. The use of new-generation sequencing methods has allowed us to significantly expand our knowledge about the composition of the microbiota and its relationship with diseases.1 Recently, there have been active discussions about what is part of a healthy gut microbiota. The facts established at the moment confirm the correctness of the idea that the intestinal microbiomes of healthy people are populated by similar organisms, mainly firmicutes and bacteroids. Bacteroides).On the other hand, some studies have established a wide variability in the composition of the intestinal microbiota among a healthy population. Thus, it turned out that the composition of the microbiome is different for each person. 3

The main factor determining the population of the human microbiota is nutrition, since the food consumed becomes a nutrient medium for the metabolism of microorganisms, which, in turn, forms the composition and determines the functioning of the microbiome.The composition of the microbiota is interrelated with immunity since the microflora affects the level of individual metabolites and signalling pathways. For example, such a metabolite as trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) depends on the composition of the intestinal microbiota, which, according to research, causes atherosclerosis and thrombosis.The example of TMAO clearly shows that the microbiota and its metabolites are essential concomitant factors of the physiology of the host organism and pathological physiology. 6-8

Changes in the intestinal environment, including changes in the level of its metabolites, play a crucial role in the prevention of diseases of the entire population, and also affect the overall quality of life. Poor skin condition, constipation, diarrhea and poor overall health may be associated with the composition of the intestinal environment. To use expensive methods of analysis, for example, new generation sequencing and analysis of the metabolome (the metabolome is a molecular "mirror" of life; -0432yts is a collection of all metabolites that are the final product of metabolism in a cell, tissue, organ or organism), it is not possible to study such changes in physical condition in ordinary life. A simple and low-cost option for monitoring changes in the intestinal environment and bacterial colonies is required.

A study conducted many years ago found that some metabolites in urine (for example, indole derivatives, phenols and amines as derivatives of amino acids) can give an idea of the state of the intestinal environment. 3-indoxyl sulfate (3-IS) is a metabolite of L-tryptophan contained in food (Trp); in addition, 3-IS is a cardiotoxin and uremic toxin. The gut microbiota causes Trp to break down into indole, which is subsequently absorbed by the intestine and then converted into 3-IC by the liver.The level of 3-IS in urine was used for screening of intestinal microflora disorders, excessive development of microflora of the small intestine, constipation, malabsorption and permeability of the lining of the intestinal mucosa. 9-13.
Thus, the level of 3-IS, measured in a simple and financially affordable way (colorimetric urine analysis), can be used for simplified monitoring of the state of the intestinal environment.

The benefits of products created with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for human health are recognized all over the world. It is known that fermentation using LAB bacteria promotes the digestion of food and increases the biological value of the nutrients contained in it. LAB varieties (as probiotics) have been developed and food products fermented using lactic acid bacteria have been developed, which today benefit both humans and animals, in particular, eating them increases the nutritional value of products, enhances the ability to resist infections, relieves symptoms of lactose intolerance, changes the intensity of specific/non-specific immune responses., controls the level of serum cholesterol and reduces the risk of developing colon diseases.14,15For a long time soy has been used for fermentation, particularly in East Asia; for example, soy sauce, miso, natto and tempeh are prepared from it. Several studies on the fermentation of soy (and soy milk) using LAB, state the physiological function of these products. Nevertheless, in most of these scientific papers, scientists' attention is focused on the effect of LAB-fermented soy on the liver, for example, lipid metabolism (for example, cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism), since soy is known to improve lipid metabolism.16-21

According to another study, taking dietary supplements made from an extract fermented with several strains of lactic acid bacteria (LEX) based on soy milk can prevent the development of intestinal cancer and activate its cellular immunity.22-23

Preliminary studies have revealed that LEX reduces polyps of the human intestine, has a positive effect on its microflora and treats periodontal diseases.24-26

The positive effect is that the LEX supplement improves the state of the intestinal environment and the composition of the microbiota (verification is required). Metabiotics, discovered after probiotics and prebiotics, is a relatively new term in the world of biotics. These are functional and bioactive components formed in the matrix during fermentation, capable of improving human health.27,28LEX is also considered a metabiotic using soy as a substrate. Probably, LEX studies will allow you to gain more knowledge about metabiotics.

In the presented pilot study, to assess the state of the intestinal environment and the effects exerted by LEX on the environment and microbiota metabolism, the level of 3-IS in urine was measured in the subjects. The study involved healthy women with a high concentration of 3-IS in the urine; measurement of the level of indoxyl sulfate was carried out before and after taking LEX. In addition, the study took into account the symptoms observed in the subjects in the abdominal region, as well as other daily changes in physical condition.

Materials and methods

Research plan and participants

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