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Our website contains general medical information only and nothing contained on this website constitutes medical advice of a personal nature. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition or illness, you should seek immediate medical attention. You must not rely on the information provided on our website as an alternative to personalized medical advice and no doctor-patient relationship shall be created through your use of our website. The information on our website is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. We do not warrant or represent that the information on this website will be available at any time in whole or in part; or, that it is or shall remain accurate, truthful, non-misleading, complete and kept up-to-date. Goods purchased from our website must be consumed as per the recommended dosage and we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage caused or arising directly or indirectly in connection with any use of any of the products purchased from our website.DAIGO CONTRIBUTES TO IMPROVEMENTS:
How does Daigo help restore the correct balance of bacteria in the intestine and improve immunity?
The peculiarity of the metabiotic Daigo is that it does not inject new living bacteria into the body (i.e., it is not a probiotic), and does not kill any bacteria in the body (i.e., it is not an antibiotic).
The main active component of the product is valuable secretory secretions of beneficial lactobacilli and their bacterial bodies.
These secretions are also called "territorial substance". Why is this the case? During fermentation, the bacterium secretes a valuable secret around itself. Forming a kind of "puddle" or "your territory" that protects it.These secretory secretions have an amazing property: they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and suppress the growth of harmful ones. Thus, a healthy bacterial balance is restored: there should be much more useful than harmful. In such conditions, all body systems work "like clockwork", the immune system becomes strong and can protect the body from diseases!